How to order

How to Place an Order

 Want to place an order now?

This ordering guide will give you all the steps to place an order. In other words, it will make the whole ordering process clearer, Even if it's your first time shopping online.

Notify :

If this is your first time shopping with ties2you, we recommend that you register as a first step so that you can see your purchases the next time you log in. Of course, you can also make purchases without registering.

1. Select the product you want to buy.
If you select "Add to cart", you can then find the products you want to buy by using the cart symbol.
If you want to buy it now, click on "Buy It Now".
2.Fill in personal information and discount code
Fill in the correct contact information, shipping address, and if you have a discount code that you can use, please fill in your discount code at the bottom of the product.
3.Confirm shipping method
Standard shipping is free and usually arrives within 10-20 days.
There is an additional charge for fast shipping, but it only takes 4-7 business days to arrive.
4.Select Payment Method and Pay for order
We usually accept PayPal and Credit Card(Master Card, Maestro, Visa, etc).
5.Order successfully
You can check your personal information and logistics information on the thank you page. If you fill in the correct email address, you will receive notification of order confirmation, product delivery, etc.

Please feel free to contact us if you encounter any problem during the ordering process that you cannot solve.

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